ich hab mal ne Beobachtung, die ich euch gern schildern möchte: Undzwar habe ich schon vor ner Weile für Großkampfschiffe eine Art "Torpedo" oder Rakete eingebaut, die halt extra für Großkampfschiffe gedacht ist.
Ich würde mal den Eintrag in die Weapons.tbl mit anhängen.
Nun meine Beobachtung: Wenn Schiffe mit dieser Waffengattung im Einsatz sind, werden Strahlenwaffen (besonders die Großen) weniger bis garnicht eingesetzt, so zumindest meine Beobachtung.
Woran könnte dies liegen?
$Name: TTRM Hellion
+Title: XSTR("GTBM-TBM5 Hellion", 3392)
"Special Issue
Capital-Based Cruise Missile
Antimatter Warhead", 3393)
+Tech Title: XSTR("GTBM-TBM5 Hellion", 3394)
+Tech Anim: Tech_Helios
+Tech Description:
"The GTBM-TBM5 Hellion is a Theater Range Missile, designed for deployment on stationary missile platforms. One platform loaded with these poses a severe threat to cruisers. If used on multiple launchers, these missiles can effectively counter destroyers, or fleets.", 3395)
$Model File: mesontorp.pof
$Mass: 45.0
$Velocity: 70.0
$Fire Wait: 16.0
$Damage: 200 ;; damage applied when within inner radius
$Arm distance: 50
$Blast Force: 3000.0
$Inner Radius: 50.0 ;; radius at which damage is full (0 for impact only)
$Outer Radius: 150.0 ;; max radius for attenuated damage
$Shockwave Speed: 40 ;; velocity of shockwave. 0 for none.
$Armor Factor: 4.5
$Shield Factor: 0.02
$Subsystem Factor: 25.0
$Lifetime: 200.0
$Energy Consumed: 0.0
$Cargo Size: 2.0
$Homing: YES ;; the following indented fields are only required when $Homing is YES
+Type: ASPECT ;; Legal: HEAT, ASPECT
+Turn Time: 9.85
+View Cone: 75.0 ;; See 70/2 = 35 degrees from ahead to maintain lock.
$LaunchSnd: 97
$ImpactSnd: 101 ;; shockwave impact sound
$FlyBySnd: -1
$Rearm Rate: 0.02
$Flags: ( "Big Ship" "Supercap" "capital+" "huge" )
$Trail: ;; Trail cannot be set if Exhaust is set
+Start Width: 6 ;; Width of trail nearest missile
+End Width: 1.0
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life: 8.0 ;; how many seconds before trail disappears
+Bitmap: MissileTrail01 ;; Bitmap used to draw trail
$Icon: iconHelios
$Anim: Helios
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 60.0
$Dinky impact explosion radius: 30.0
+Title: XSTR("GTBM-TBM5 Hellion", 3392)
"Special Issue
Capital-Based Cruise Missile
Antimatter Warhead", 3393)
+Tech Title: XSTR("GTBM-TBM5 Hellion", 3394)
+Tech Anim: Tech_Helios
+Tech Description:
"The GTBM-TBM5 Hellion is a Theater Range Missile, designed for deployment on stationary missile platforms. One platform loaded with these poses a severe threat to cruisers. If used on multiple launchers, these missiles can effectively counter destroyers, or fleets.", 3395)
$Model File: mesontorp.pof
$Mass: 45.0
$Velocity: 70.0
$Fire Wait: 16.0
$Damage: 200 ;; damage applied when within inner radius
$Arm distance: 50
$Blast Force: 3000.0
$Inner Radius: 50.0 ;; radius at which damage is full (0 for impact only)
$Outer Radius: 150.0 ;; max radius for attenuated damage
$Shockwave Speed: 40 ;; velocity of shockwave. 0 for none.
$Armor Factor: 4.5
$Shield Factor: 0.02
$Subsystem Factor: 25.0
$Lifetime: 200.0
$Energy Consumed: 0.0
$Cargo Size: 2.0
$Homing: YES ;; the following indented fields are only required when $Homing is YES
+Type: ASPECT ;; Legal: HEAT, ASPECT
+Turn Time: 9.85
+View Cone: 75.0 ;; See 70/2 = 35 degrees from ahead to maintain lock.
$LaunchSnd: 97
$ImpactSnd: 101 ;; shockwave impact sound
$FlyBySnd: -1
$Rearm Rate: 0.02
$Flags: ( "Big Ship" "Supercap" "capital+" "huge" )
$Trail: ;; Trail cannot be set if Exhaust is set
+Start Width: 6 ;; Width of trail nearest missile
+End Width: 1.0
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life: 8.0 ;; how many seconds before trail disappears
+Bitmap: MissileTrail01 ;; Bitmap used to draw trail
$Icon: iconHelios
$Anim: Helios
$Impact Explosion: ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 60.0
$Dinky impact explosion radius: 30.0